Foucault at the Movies
Traduction et Ă©dition par Clare O'Farrell
La rĂ©flexion de Michel Foucault sur le cinĂ©ma, bien qu’elle ne soit pas exhaustive, illustre de maniĂšre fascinante sa capacitĂ© Ă rendre une vision unique sur le sujet et offre de prĂ©cieuses perspectives sur d’autres dimensions de sa pensĂ©e. Foucault at the Movies rassemble tous les Ă©crits de Foucault sur le cinĂ©ma, dont certains sont disponibles pour la premiĂšre fois en anglais, ainsi que des analyses contemporaines et d’autres dĂ©veloppements de son oeuvre.
La suite en anglais :
Michel Foucaultâs work on film, although not extensive, compellingly illustrates the power of bringing his unique vision to bear on the subject and offers valuable insights into other aspects of his thought. Foucault at the Movies brings together all of Foucaultâs commentary on film, some of it available for the first time in English, along with important contemporary analysis and further extensions of this work.
Patrice Maniglier and Dork Zabunyan situate Foucaultâs writings on film in the context of the rest of his work as well as within a broad historical and philosophical framework. They detail how Foucaultâs work directly or indirectly inspired both film critics and directors in surprising ways and discuss his ideas in relation to significant movements within film theory and practice. The book includes film reviews and discussions by Foucault as well as his interviews with the prestigious film magazine Cahiers du cinĂ©ma and other journals. Also included are his dialogues with the noted French feminist writer HĂ©lĂšne Cixous and film directors Werner Schroeter and RenĂ© FĂ©ret. Throughout, Foucault and those he is in conversation with reflect on the relationship of film to history, the body, power and politics, knowledge, sexuality, aesthetics, and institutions of internment. Foucault at the Movies makes all of Foucaultâs writings on film available to an English-speaking audience in one volume and offers detailed, up-to-date commentary, inviting us to go to the movies with Foucault.
Une traduction et rĂ©-Ă©dition en anglais de l’ouvrage Foucault va au cinĂ©ma de Dork Zabunyan et Patrice Maniglier, publiĂ© en 2011 aux Editions Bayard Culture.
Traduit et Ă©ditĂ© par Clare O’Farrell.
Textes de Michel Foucault, Patrice Maniglier et Dork Zabunyan.
Michel Foucault, historien, philosophe et thĂ©oricien de la sociĂ©tĂ© française, a Ă©tĂ© l’une des figures les plus importantes de la pensĂ©e du XXe siĂšcle. Son travail a eu une influence considĂ©rable sur toutes les sciences humaines et sociales.
Patrice Maniglier est maĂźtre de confĂ©rences au dĂ©partement de philosophie de lâUniversitĂ© Paris-Nanterre.
Dork Zabunyan est professeur en Ă©tudes cinĂ©matographiques Ă lâUniversitĂ© Paris 8.
Clare OâFarrell est maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă la Queensland University of Technology. Ses livres incluent Foucault: historien ou philosophe? (1989) et Michel Foucault (2005).
Date de parution
Nombre de pages
Michel Foucault et Patrice Maniglier (dir.)
Clare O’Farrell
Columbia University Express
9780231167079, 9780231167062, 9780231547833
264 pages
Disponible en Paperback, Hardcover et E-book